Fusible de Enlace 2020-05-01T04:35:46+00:00

Fusible de Enlace


Type Fuse link Amperes
A Type K and T Less than 6A
N and QR Less than 10A
B Type K and T (Standard type) 6~10A
N and QR 10~10A

Ratings / Order sheet : Cataloa No.

Standard K and T speed

23-Inch overall length rating
Ratings, Amperes J&W standard speed (TCC No. 123-6) Ratings, Amperes J&W “K” speed(TCC No. 165-6) Ratings,Amperes J&W “T” speed(TCC No. 175-6)
Catalog number* Catalog number* Catalog number*
1 264001 1K 64001 1T 266001
2 264002 2K 64002 2T 266002
3 264003 3K 64003 3T 266003
5 264005
7 264007 6K 265006 6T 266006
10 264010 8K 265008 8T 266008
10K 265010 10T 266010
12K 265012 12T 266012
15 264015 15K 265015 15T 266015
20 264020 20K 265020 20T 266020
25 264025 25K 265025 25T 266025
30 264030 30K 265030 30T 266030
40 264040 40K 265040 40T 266040
50 264050 50K 265050 50T 266050
65 264065 65K 265065 65T 266065
80 264080 80K 265080 80T 266080
100 264100 100K 265100 100T 266100

* Número de catálogo
En la hoja se indican todos los fusibles de enlace tipo cabezal de botón extraíbles.
Especifique el surfix” -NR” al final del número de catálogo para el fusible de enlace tipo cabezal de botón no extraíble.

N and QR spped

23-Inch overall length rating
Ratings,Amperes J&W “N” speed(TCC No. 167-6) Ratings,Amperes J&W “QR” speed
Catalog number* Catalog number*
1QR 268001
2QR 268002
3QR 268003
5N 267005 5QR 268005
8N 267008 7QR 268007
10N 267010 10QR 268010
15N 267015 15QR 268015
20N 267020 20QR 268020
25N 267025 25QR 268025
30N 267030 30QR 268030
40N 267040 40QR 268040
45N 267045
50N 267050 50QR 268050
60QR 268060
65N 267065
75N 267075 75QR 268075
85N 267085
95N 267095
100N 267100 100QR 268100

* Catalog number
Indicated in the sheet are all removable button head type fuse link.
Please specify surfix ” -NR” at the end of catalog number for non-removable button head type fuse link.